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Ministries and Organizations

At St. Thomas More Catholic Church, we offer a diverse variety of ministries and organizations that parishioners are highly encouraged to join.  It is our members involvement with the parish that nurtures it's growth.


It is because of this diversity that we have so many gifts to offer our Church and it's Catholic community. St. Paul wrote, "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ."  


We all have unique gifts and talents.  These talents are gifts from God, and as stewards of God, we are entrusted to use these gifts to do God's work here on earth.  If you are ready to serve the Lord, our parish has the perfect ministry or organization for you!

Altar Servers

The altar server ministry in our parish, are the youth in our church that serve the Lord and the community by assisting the priest during Mass and other liturgical celebrations.  It is open to all the youth of the parish who have received their First Holy Communion. Training is provided by our priest and deacons. 

If you are interested, please contact: Deacon Tim Tate at

(210) 655-5070 Ext. 106

Altar Society

The Altar Society is committed to the care and beautification of the sanctuary and church environment.  Members of this organization prepare the church for our daily and weekend Mass. The Altar Society cares for the altar linens, liturgical vestments, candles, and flowers.  They are the care-takers of the most sacred place on our grounds, the church sanctuary. They meet every Friday morning after the daily 8:00 am Mass.  If you are interested, please contact the parish office at (210) 655-5070.

Building and Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for the maintenance and repair of buildings, grounds, and equipment.  The committee assesses parish buildings and insures that facilities are kept clean, safe, as well as in good repair and appearance. 

The committee is responsible for preparing a budget based on known current needs and perceived future needs. The committee presents this proposal to the Parish Finance Council and reports all activities to the Parish Pastoral Council. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact the parish office at 

(210) 655-5070

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Pastoral Council

The members of the Pastoral Council work closely together with the pastor to foster unity and a sense of community within the parish. The council works in unison with the pastor to promote spiritual development, and integrate ideas that serve the best interests of the parish and it's community.  The Pastoral Council meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact Maggie Briseno (210) 655-5070.

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Divine Mercy Cenacle

Our parish Divine Mercy Cenacle is a time of prayer and song, followed by a time of reflection of the formation guidelines from the Cenacle Formation Manual. During the cenacle, we review specific entries in St. Faustina's diary, related scriptural references, and related references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our time of reflection helps us relate these entries to our daily lives, struggles, and spiritual walk. The Divine Mercy Cenacle ends with a short prayer time, the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and a time for fellowship. The cenacle meets every Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Tim Tate

at 210-655-5070, Ext. 106

Finance Council

The Finance Council works closely with the pastor and the Pastoral Council to insure that the parish is financially competent and responsible on every decision made. The Finance Council advises the pastor in all financial matters and assists him in the preparation of the annual parish budget and financial statements. The Finance Council assesses the parish's statements and makes recommendations for the improvement and advancement of the parish financially. The council reviews budgets of other Catholic parishes in our deanery and makes suggestions on various financial expenditures. If you are interested in the Finance Council, please contact Rosemarie Evancho

at 210-655-5070.

The Guadalupano Society

The Guadalupano Society promotes devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. The society cultivates leadership so that its members may better participate in the mission of the Church. The society develops spiritual and material projects for the parish community and makes recommendations to the pastor for their implementation and execution. Members of the Guadalupano Society promote devotion to the Holy Blessed Virgin Mother of God so that, by imitating her virtues, they may strive to be models of commitment to God. Meetings for the Guadalupano Society are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month after the 8:00 am Mass. The society also meets on the 12th of each month to pray the Holy Rosary together.

For more information, please contact the Guadalupano President William Torres (210) 620-2745

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry team helps the church greet parishioners arriving for Mass and make them feel welcome. Members ensure that the church is comfortable by adjusting the air-conditioner or heater as the weather dictates.  They help open doors and help parishioners find seating for Mass.  During Mass, Hospitality Ministers remain attentive to the needs of the assembly.  Ministers assist with any special rituals or activities taking place inside of the liturgical celebration, including the distribution of candles, palms, hymnals, etc.  Hospitality Ministers choose volunteers to present the gifts of bread and wine to the celebrant during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  After Mass is celebrated, Hospitality Ministers stand by the doors and ensure all leaving parishioners receive a bulletin and a warm smile.  As representatives of our parish and pastor to parishioners and visitors alike, our Hospitality Ministry is a vital part of our parish community. If you are interested, please contact the parish office at 210-655-5070.

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Knights of Columbus Council 7386

The Knights of Columbus is an order of Catholic men and their families dedicated to promoting the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. One of its primary missions is insuring that the Catholic Church remains vigorous and undiminished. From providing manpower and funds for church projects to playing a role in the life of the parish, Knights of Columbus lend their support to the church at the diocesan and local level. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month. For more information about the Knights of Columbus Council 7386,

please contact Rick Briseno at (210) 834-7017.

Extraordinary Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, or commonly known as Eucharistic Ministers, serve at the table of the Lord assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist during Holy Mass. Eucharistic Ministers also bring Holy Communion to those sick at home or in the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers receive formation and training in the spirituality of the ministry, including an overview of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist and specifics regarding the ministry in the liturgical celebrations at our parish. For more information, please contact Deacon Tim Tate at 210-655-5070, Extension 106.

Liturgy of the Word Ministers

Ministers of the Liturgy of the Word, or commonly known as lectors, proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. Ministers lead the congregation in prayers of petition and also relay general announcements regarding parish events and activities. Lectors received special formation and training regarding the nature of this ministry and its execution at our parish. All those who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation are eligible to participate at a lector during our celebrations. For more information, please contact Deacon Tim Tate at 210-655-5070, Extension 106.

Music Ministry

Music is an expression of our faith. Our purpose is two-fold: to prepare the Sunday liturgy, especially the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation, and to encourage the participation of the congregation in singing. We learn songs and hymns that focus on the Sunday readings, the liturgical season, or a liturgical feast. All are invited to join the music ministry at St. Thomas More. If you like to sing, or if you feel you need more practice in learning songs, come and be a part of our music ministry. You do not need to be a song leader to join. If you are interested, please contact

Becki Lacayo at 210-655-2882.

Homebound & Nursing Home Ministry
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (O.C.I.A.)

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, also commonly known as Eucharistic Ministers, bring Holy Communion to those who are homebound or in a nursing home or rehabilitation center due to illness or age. Eucharistic Ministers are trained for these special visits and have a deep spirituality in the Eucharist. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Licon at the

parish office at: (210) 655-5070.

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, also known as O.C.I.A., is a formation process for adults who want to receive full initiation into the Catholic Church. This would apply for individuals who were baptized into another faith, or those baptized Catholic but desire to receive the remaining Sacraments of Initiation, Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. For more information, please contact Deacon Tim Tate at the parish office

at: (210) 655-5070 Ext. 106

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